Understanding the Florida Standards Assessment


Florida students will be embarking on a new assessment journey this school year. Delivered and administered by the American Institute for Research (AIR), the new Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) will roll-out beginning the 2015-2016 school year. According the Florida Department of Education, the purpose of the FSA is to ensure students are understanding and mastering the Florida State Standards

The assessment will be given in three parts. The first, English Language Arts Writing will be given towards the end of February and into the beginning of March. This portion will ask students to read a passages(s) and respond to a written prompt. Part 2 will be administered towards the end of March and into the beginning of April. This will be the English Language Arts Reading assessment. Finally, Part 3, the Math portion of the assessment, will be given in early April.

To be successful on the mathematics portion of the FSA, students will be provided with several resources. Calculators will not be allowable for students in grades 3 – 6; however, students in grades 7 – 8 will be able to use online calculators within certain sections. Reference charts will be given to students in grades 4 – 8 with both conversions and formulas. In some cases, the formula will be provided on the screen in place of a reference chart.

All Florida Standards Assessments will be administered through several sessions within each content area. Testing times for both Math and ELA are listed below:

More information on the Florida Standards Assessment can be found here on Florida Department of Education website.


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