Georgia’s New K-12 Mathematics Standards: A Step towards Enhanced Education

Georgia’s New K-12 Mathematics Standards: A Step towards Enhanced Education

(Source: GaDOE)

In the ever-evolving landscape of academics, adaptation is key to meet the changing needs of students, educators, and teachers. States nationwide continuously update their curriculum to align with the dynamic educational environment. In pursuit of equipping students for success beyond high school, Georgia introduced updated K-12 Mathematics Standards when the State Board of Education approved the new standards on August 26, 2021. This year, Georgia takes a significant stride by implementing the new mathematics standards for K-12 students in classrooms.

Understanding the Evolution: Why Were the Georgia Math Standards Updated?

The notion of students being “college and career ready” has echoed for years. This endeavor aligns with Georgia’s emphasis on Content Mastery, Closing Gaps, and Graduation Rate through the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI). Additionally, fostering 21st-century skills becomes pivotal in propelling Georgia students toward prosperous post-secondary achievements.

The core objective of the new standards can be encapsulated as follows: To prepare students for the future workforce, nurturing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. An ingrained understanding of mathematics’ ubiquitous presence in daily life will be the catalyst for this progression. The revamped Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards intend to seamlessly infuse critical thinking and problem-solving across grade levels and mathematical domains.

Unveiling the Transformation: What’s New in the Georgia Math Standards?

Prior to full implementation of the new math standards for the 2023-24 school year, it’s imperative for all stakeholders—educators, students, caregivers, and the community—to comprehend the transition from the GSE to Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards.

While numerous modifications abound, here are three salient changes:


The latest Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards place heightened emphasis on Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Reasoning throughout all grade levels. These frameworks can be located on pages 4-6 of the Transition Resources support guide published by Georgia Department of Education.

Mathematical Modeling, ingeniously embedded throughout the standards, underscores mathematics’ practicality in real-life contexts. By purposefully exposing students to these scenarios, an avenue opens for them to adeptly connect math with their daily experiences. For instance, observing former 5th-grade students grasp the connection between the order of operations and restaurant scenarios, or witnessing current 7th graders apply unit rates during grocery shopping, highlights the standards’ practicality.

The infusion of Statistical Reasoning aims to foster inquiry-based sense-making skills. The very term “reasoning” is interwoven into eight out of ten Mathematics Big Ideas, exemplifying its significance in:

  • Data & Statistical Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Patterning & Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometric & Spatial Reasoning
  • Measurement & Data Reasoning
  • Probability Reasoning
  • Functional & Graphical Reasoning
  • Probabilistic Reasoning


A refreshing paradigm shift within the new Georgia math standards revolves around the role of caregivers in their children’s education. Acknowledging caregivers’ diverse learning experiences and involving them in the process proves crucial.

Cultural sensitivity towards caregivers’ learning journey is pivotal. Recognizing their educational backgrounds forms the basis of building a bridge of knowledge. The Transition Resource support guide, provided by GaDOE, encourages teachers to embrace diverse problem-solving strategies, including those caregivers are familiar with.

This approach respects caregivers’ traditional methods while maintaining the standard of mathematical comprehension. For example, caregivers can aid children with conventional numerical approaches they grew up with, enhancing numeracy skills.

Furthermore, acknowledging that older students might have been exposed to more traditional problem-solving methods encourages familial involvement. Flexibility in problem-solving strategies enhances comprehension and fosters a deeper connection to mathematics.


To facilitate interpretation and implementation, GaDOE offers a structured approach for each standard, under “Evidence of Student Learning.” Descriptions, strategies, relevance, and content limits are embedded within each standard. Age-appropriate content limits reduce stress and provide clear learning targets.

(Source: Georgia Department of Education)

The Explanations of Changes and Improvements offers a comparison between new and old standards, ensuring educators’ familiarity is retained.

Anticipating the Impact: What Are Some Impacts of the New Georgia Math Standards?

During major academic standard transitions, concerns arise about potential gaps. The shift from GSE to the Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards may lead to academic gaps when content is rearranged. It’s important to differentiate between academic and achievement gaps.

An academic gap stems from curriculum changes and confined expectations, often lacking necessary support. Georgia’s new standards enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and content delivery, bridging these potential gaps.

Impact on Education: Students and Teachers

Students: Nurturing Mathematical Prowess

The revised approach empowers students to:
  • Explore diverse problem-solving methods, substantiating solutions through mathematical reasoning.
  • Experience a spectrum of mathematical topics, forging connections across domains and disciplines.
  • Apply mathematical insights to real-world scenarios, crafting representative models.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards mathematics, recognizing its beauty and practicality.

Teachers: Pioneering Progress

Educators are poised to:
  • Enhance their content knowledge and pedagogical strategies in alignment with the new standards.
  • Embrace flexibility and creativity in catering to the diverse learning needs of students.
  • Employ both formative and summative assessments, driving instruction through student progress insights.
  • Access professional development opportunities that deepen understanding and streamline implementation.

The Path Forward: Georgia’s Supportive Resources

To aid this transition, the Georgia Department of Education has curated resources encompassing sample units, lesson plans, assessments, and professional development opportunities. The department remains committed to providing ongoing assistance to districts and schools throughout the implementation phase.

A Bright Tomorrow: The Promise of Georgia Mathematics

While change can be challenging, Georgia’s students and educators are well-equipped for this transformation. The repositioned Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards promise to mold students into reflective, engaging individuals, fully equipped for the demands of the future. Through these standards, students evolve from mere counters to impactful contributors—a testament to the power of education.

Case Study: Gibson Elementary School, LA

School Overview

Gibson Elementary School is based in Gibson Louisiana, which comes under the Terrebonne Parish school district. The school supports over 251 students across pre-k to 6. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 9.5:1 and about 88.27 % of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Gibson Elementary School Demographics

English Proficiency

Gibson Elementary School English Proficiency


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Gibson Elementary School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used Lumos Practice tedBook program in 2017-18 to support student’s LEAP preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Gibson Elementary School Ranking

There are 728 elementary schools in Louisiana and Gibson Elementary School was ranked 602nd in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted ELA program for Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. About 110 students used the Lumos Practice tedBook program for LEAP English Language Arts practice. In the 2017-18 LEAP tests, Gibson Elementary School rank improved by 226 positions.

Grade 4 LEAP Test-scores

Gibson Elementary School 4 G ELA

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 4th graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 LEAP ELA assessment increased by 18%.

Grade 6 LEAP Test-scores

Gibson Elementary School 6 G ELA

There was an increase of 54%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 6 English Language Arts LEAP.

Overall Result

  • Grade 4 and Grade 6 students in Winter Springs Elementary School have surpassed the state average in ELA.
  • The use of Lumos Practice tedBook for LEAP English Language Arts practice in 4th and 6th grades in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 226 positions from 602 in 2017 to 376 in 2018.
  • Some of the enrolled students in the school are English language learners who have shown significant improvements in 2017-18 LEAP ELA tests.

Case Study: Providence Elementary School, GA

School Overview

Providence Elementary School is based in Temple Georgia, which comes under the Carroll County school district. The school supports over 411 students across 3 to 5. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 15.8:1 and about 60.1 % of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Providence Elementary School Demographics

Students with Disability (SWD)

Providence Elementary School Students with disability


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Providence Elementary School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used Lumos Common Core Practice tedBook in 2017-18 to support students’ skills mastery for GMAS preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Providence Elementary School ranking

There are 1209 elementary schools in Georgia and Providence Elementary School was ranked 395th in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted Math program for Grades 3, 4 and 5. About 226 students used the Lumos Common Core Practice tedBook for GMAS Math practice. In the 2017-18 GMAS tests, Providence Elementary School rank improved by 111 positions.

Grade 3 GMAS Test-scores

Providence Elementary School 3 G Math

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 3rd graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 GMAS Math assessment increased by 19%.

Grade 5 GMAS Test-scores

Providence Elementary School 5 G Math

There was an increase of 13%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 5 Math GMAS.

Overall Result

  • Grade 3 and Grade 5 students in Providence Elementary School, have surpassed the state average in Math.
  • The use of Lumos Common Core Practice tedBook for GMAS Math practice in 3rd and 5th grades in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 111 positions from 395 in 2017 to 284 in 2018.

Case Study: Langdon Elementary School, DC

School Overview

Langdon Elementary School is based in Washington DC, which comes under the District Of Columbia Public Schools. The school supports over 323 students across pre-k to 5. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 14.2:1 and 100% of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Langdon Elementary School Demographics


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Langdon Elementary School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used Lumos StepUp program in 2017-18 to support student’s PARCC preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Langdon Elementary School Ranking

There are 120 elementary schools in Washington DC and Langdon Elementary School was ranked 84th in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted Math and ELA programs for Grades 3, 4 and 5. About 45 students from each grade used the Lumos Stepup program for PARCC Math and PARCC English Language Arts practice.
In the 2017-18 PARCC tests, Langdon Elementary School rank improved by 24 positions.

Grade 3 PARCC Test-scores

Langdon Elementary School 3 G Math

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 3rd graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 PARCC Math assessment increased by 10.3%.

Langdon Elementary School 3 G ELA

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 3rd graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 PARCC ELA assessment increased by 23.7%

Grade 4 PARCC Test-scores

Langdon Elementary School 4 G Math

In the 2017-18 PARCC tests, 4th graders’ who met the standards in Math increased by by 4.8%.

Langdon Elementary School 4 G ELA

In the 2017-18 PARCC tests, 4th graders’ who met the standards in ELA increased by by 2.6%.

Grade 5 PARCC Test-scores

Langdon Elementary School 5 G math

There was an increase of 10.4%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 5 PARCC Math.

Langdon Elementary School 5 G ELA

There was an increase of 37.5%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 5 English Language Arts PARCC.

Overall Result

  • The use of Lumos StepUp for PARCC Math and English Language Arts practice in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 24 positions from 84 in 2017 to 60 in 2018.

Case Study: Hillcrest High School, AR

School Overview

Hillcrest High School is based in Strawberry Arkansas, which comes under the Hillcrest School District. The school supports over 202 students across the grades 7 to 12. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 10.6:1 and about 66.8 % of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Demographics of winter springs Elementary school


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Hillcrest High School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used assessment practice program in 2017-18 to support student’s ACT Aspire preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Hillcrest High School Ranking

There are 262 high schools in Arkansas and Hillcrest High School was ranked 138th in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted Math and ELA programs for Grades 7th and 8th. About 10 from each grade students used the assessment practice program for ACT Aspire Math and ACT Aspire English Language Arts practice.
In the 2017-18 ACT Aspire tests, Hillcrest High School rank improved by 32 positions.

Grade 8 ACT Aspire Test-scores

Hillcrest high school Math 8th grade ACT Aspire scores

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 8th graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 ACT Aspire Math assessment increased by 14%.

Hillcrest high school ELA 8th grade ACT Aspire scores

There was an increase of 20.3%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 8 English Language Arts ACT Aspire.

Overall Result

  • Grade 8 students at Hillcrest High School have surpassed the state average in ELA.
  • The use of Lumos assessment practice program for ACT Aspire Math and English Language Arts practice in 8th grade in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 32 positions from 138 in 2017 to 106 in 2018.

Case Study: Winter Springs Elementary School, FL

School Overview

Winter Springs Elementary School is based in Winter Springs Florida, which comes under the Seminole school district. The school supports over 679 students across pre-k to 5. It is a public school with a student-teacher ratio of 13.5:1 and about 75.1 % of the students are economically disadvantaged.


Hillcrest High School


We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. We have compared the state ranking of Winter Springs Elementary School in 2016-17 and 2017-18 as indicated in schooldigger
The school used Lumos StepUp program in 2017-18 to support student’s FSA preparation.

Improvement in State Ranking

Winter springs school ranking

There are 2118 elementary schools in Florida and Winter Springs Elementary School was ranked 887th in the 2016-17 academic year. In 2017-18, the school adopted Math and ELA programs for Grades 3, 4 and 5. About 10 students from each grade used the Lumos Stepup program for FSA Math and FSA English Language Arts practice. In the 2017-18 FSA tests, Winter Springs School rank improved by 77 positions.

Grade 4 FSA Test-scores

FSA test scores Math 4th grade

In the 2017-18 FSA tests, 4th graders’ who met the standards increased by by 3%.

Grade 5 FSA Test-scores

FSA test scores Math 5th grade

Compared to 2016-17, the percentage of 5th graders who met state expectations in 2017-18 FSA Math assessment increased by 14%.

FSA test scores ELA 5th grade

There was an increase of 11%, seen in the number of students who met state expectations in 2017-18 Grade 5 English Language Arts FSA.

Overall Result

  • Grade 4 and Grade 5 students in Winter Springs Elementary School have surpassed the state average in both Math and ELA.
  • The use of Lumos StepUp for FSA Math and English Language Arts practice in 4th and 5th grades in 2017-18 influenced an increase in the percentage of students who have met the standards.
  • The overall school ranking improved by 77 positions from 887 in 2017 to 810 in 2018.
  • Majority of enrolled students in the school are English language learners who have shown significant improvements in 2017-18 FSA ELA tests.

Northridge Elementary School improves Student Achievement Scores by 536 points in 2014-15 PARCC Assessment

Following the completion of this year’s standardized testing, we look back at some interesting facts from the first year of PARCC test in Colorado, in comparison with the CO-TCAP (Transitional Colorado Assessment Program).

According to a source on Chalkbeat, Colorado – Most Colorado students were far from the level they were supposed to be in English language arts and Math. In language arts, the percentages of Colorado students meeting or exceeding expectations ranged from as high as 43% in 4th grade to as low as 37% 10th grade. Students did even worse in math, ranging from about 19% in 8th grade to 37% in 3rd grade.

In 2014-15, Northridge Elementary School of Highlands Ranch, Colorado was one of the very few that had shown an incredible improvement in scores across multiple grades in both Math and ELA. Northridge Elementary School has been using Lumos Learning study programs to support students’ skills practice and assessment practice for 3 years.

Comparisons and Studies have been made for both Grade 3 and Grade 5 in Math and ELA

Methodology: We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. To establish a benchmark, we identified two schools that performed on par with Northridge Elementary School in the 2013-14 CO-TCAP . Their state-wide rankings were obtained from for two academic years (2013-14 and 2014-15). The following infographics, summarize the results of this study.

Northridge Elementary School Grade 3 Math and ELA PARCC Score Report 2014-15

By comparing the student achievement scores for Grade 3 on CO-TCAP and PARCC tests, we note that Northridge Elementary School has shown tremendous improvement of 91.9% in ELA and 75.59% in Math.

Northridge Elementary School Grade 5 Math and ELA PARCC Score Report 2014-15

In Grade 5 rankings, Northridge Elementary School again shows a phenomenal improvement in both math and ELA. The advancement in math is seen even when the other two schools’ scores have dropped significantly. As seen in the graph, we observe an improvement of 67.35% in ELA and 55.56% in Math.

Northridge Elementary Schools has improved scores in Grades 3 and 5 for both Math and ELA.

Grade 3 Math and ELA.

Northridge Elementary Grade 3 Math
Northridge Elementary Grade 3 ELA

Grade 5 Math and ELA.

Northridge Elementary Grade 5 Math
Northridge Elementary Grade 5 ELA

About Lumos Learing:
Lumos Learning is a division of Lumos Information Services, a publisher of innovative tools that enhance classroom learning for children in K-12. It has developed learning platforms that combine online and print media to complement classroom learning. Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and educators can reinforce the classroom learning experience for children and help them succeed in the classrooms and standardized tests. It was founded in 2007 and based in Piscataway, NJ.

About Northridge Elementary School:
The Douglas County School District (DCSD) is leading the nation as a model for the future of American education. Informed by research compiled from more than 140 renowned education experts and driven by our passion for student success, DCSD offers families their choice of school to attend, a carefully designed curriculum that goes well above and beyond the required content to instill 21st century skills that students will need to succeed in the college or career pathway of their choice, individualized attention to support their learning, and a balanced assessment system that removes the emphasis on a single standardized test and memorization, instead focusing on critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration.

Ross Middle School Ohio improves Student Achievement Scores by 69 points in 2014-15 PARCC Assessment

Ohio school districts that gave last spring’s proficiency tests solely with paper and pencil appear to have performed much better than those districts that did all testing online. Teachers and officials reported glitches during the online testing. The questions between the two versions of the tests were different. The paper version offered multiple-choice answers, while the online test required students to show work. (Source – An article by Shannon Gilchrist, on The Columbus Dispatch)

About one third of Ohio students have met the required academic standards on the new PARCC tests during the year 2014-15. Data shows that among the students who took the assessment online, only 35 to 40% of kids in elementary and middle school grades have “met expectations” or scored higher on their English and Math exams.
( Source –

Ross Middle School of Hamilton, Ohio was one of the very few that had shown improvement in its Grade 8 Math student scores. Students in Ross Middle School chose to use Lumos Learning programs to support students’ skills practice and assessment preparation during the 2014-15 academic year.

Methodology: We conducted an analysis to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student scores. To establish a point of reference, we identified two schools that performed on par with Ross Middle School in the 2013-14 OH-OAA test. Their state-wide rankings were obtained from for both years (2013-14 and 2014-15). The following infographic summarizes the results of this study.

Ross Middle School Grade 3 Math PARCC Score Report 2014-15

By comparing the Grade 8 Math scores in both OH-OAA and PARCC tests, we note that Ross Middle School has shown a remarkable improvement in student achievement levels. This has further improved and raised their position in the state-wide school rankings. With a 69 point increase, Ross Middle School has moved up from the 173rd position to the 104th position, which is an improvement of ranking of 39.9%.

About Lumos Learing:
Lumos Learning is a division of Lumos Information Services, a publisher of innovative tools that enhance classroom learning for children in K-12. It has developed learning platforms that combine online and print media to complement classroom learning. Using the Lumos Study Programs, parents and educators can reinforce the classroom learning experience for children and help them succeed in the classrooms and standardized tests. It was founded in 2007 and based in Piscataway, NJ.

About Ross School District:
The Ross Local School District has consistently achieved high ratings on the State of Ohio District Report Card. The district received all A’s and B’s on the major components of the 2015 District Report Card. In addition, the district ranked first in Butler County in Performance Index with a score of 99.8. Ross High School’s Performance Index of 108.9 was the highest of all Butler County high schools. Morgan Elementary School’s Performance Index of 105.6 was the highest of all Butler County elementary schools. Ross High School and Elda Elementary School have both been named Schools of Distinction in the past by the Ohio Department of Education. Ross High School was named a National Blue Ribbon School for Exemplary High Performance by the U.S. Department of Education in 2015. The high school was also one of 44 schools in Ohio to receive the Ohio Department of Education’s “All A Award” for 2015.
The district is seven miles southwest of downtown Hamilton, Ohio, and 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati. The district enrollment is 2,845 students in grades PK – 12.

Harrison Elementary Improves Student Achievement Scores by 232 Points in 2014-15 PARCC Assessment

Following the completion of this year’s standardized testing, we look back at some interesting facts from the first year of PARCC test. In 2014-15, New Jersey students scored lower on PARCC tests than they did on the NJASK or the HSPA assessments. Most students failed to meet the required proficiency levels on the PARCC test. Only 44% Grade 3 students met or exceeded the expectations in the ELA test, whereas it was as high as 80% in the prior assessments. Students in grades 4 to 8 barely met the mark.

PARCC Performance Report English Language Arts

Harrison Elementary School of Livingston School District in NJ is one of the very few that has shown an incredible improvement in grade 3 scores. Harrison E.S chose to use Lumos Learning programs to support students’ skills practice and assessment practice in the 2014-15 academic year.

Methodology: We conducted a study to understand the impact of Lumos Learning programs on student achievement. To establish a benchmark, we identified two schools that performed on par with Harrison Elementary in the 2013-14 NJASK test. Their state-wide rankings were obtained from for both years (2013-14 and 2014-15). The following infographic summarizes the results of this study.

Harrison Elementary School Grade 3 ELA PARCC Score Report 2014-15

Harrison Elementary PARCC Score Comparison

By comparing their Grade 3 ELA’s NJASK and PARCC ranks, we note that Harrison elementary has shown a remarkable improvement in student achievement levels. This has further raised their position in the state-wide rankings. With a 232 point increase, Harrison school has moved up from 263rd position to 31st position, which is an advancement of 88.21%.

New Jersey’s scores match the other states that took PARCC test. Most students missed the benchmarks for achievement. Schools are now awaiting results of this year’s spring assessments as they enter the third year of PARCC testing this year.


Lumos Case Studies presented below use data that are publicly available through the State Department of Education databases. The data used for these analyses include historical aggregated achievement data in standardized tests at various levels ranging from individual grades at a given school to the state level.

Key Methods

  • Comparison of student achievement at the school level before and after using the Lumos Learning Programs
  • Comparison of student achievement in schools that employed Lumos Supplemental Programs and state averages
  • Aggregation of student achievement data across relevant grades and classes

Liberty Corner Elementary Increases Language Art Literacy Proficiency by 16%

Grade 3 Language Arts Literacy Test - 16% Improvement in number of students that achieved proficiency and advanced proficiency

Greater Newark Charter School boosts MATH Proficiency by 15.4%

Grade (3-8) LAL Scores of Lumos Schools boosts its Advance Proficiency by 1.49% from 2008 to 2009

Grade (3-8) MATH Scores of Lumos Schools increases its Advance Proficiency by 1.75% from 2008 to 2009

MATH scores of LUMOS schools exceeds by 1.87% to that of STATE results

LAL scores of LUMOS schools exceeds by 1.54% to that of STATE scores

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