Grading an open-ended question based on the rubrics is a very time-consuming job for teachers. Lumos Grading assistant is an innovative tool that uses machine learning to alleviate the effort involved in grading student responses to open-ended questions. Lumos Grading Assistant provides a score on a scale of 0 to 4. It takes several attributes of a student's responses, including grammar errors, spelling errors, proximity to the expected answer, etc. Use this page to get your essay graded instantly! We would greatly appreciate your feedback to improve the predictions further.
We also offer realistic test practice for a number of state student assessments. Use the buttons below to experience Math and English Language Arts practice tests & sample questions from each state assessment.
ACT Aspire ACT Aspire Assessment Practice
PARCC PARCC Practice Test
SBAC Smarter Balanced Test Prep
LEAP Louisiana Educational Assessment Program
MAAP Mississippi Assessment Program Practice Test
GMAS Georgia Milestone Assessment System Practice Test
FSA Florida Standards Assessments
OST Ohio State Tests Practice Test
NYST New York State Assessments
ILEARN Indiana Statewide Testing
NJSLA New Jersey Student Learning Assessments
TNReady Tennessee TNReady Practice Tests
MAP Missouri Assessment Program Practice Test
CMAS Colorado Measures of Academic Success
SAT Scholastic Assessment Test Practice Test
ACT American College Test Practice Test
MCAS Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
AZM2 Azmerit-Arizona Assessment Test Practice Test
IAR IAR Test Practice Test
MCAP MCAP Test Practice Test
PSAT PSAT Test Practice Test