Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City has organized an event called 2014 ATMNYC Math Education Conference.They have been supporting New York City area public, private and parochial teachers, Math coaches, Math chairs, Math coordinators, regional personnel and students.
Become a member and voice your concerns and ideas!
Title: 2014 ATMNYC Math Education Conference
Date: Saturday, November 15, 2014
Time: from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (EST)
location:Hunter College on Lexington Avenue at 68th Street,New York,NY 10065
Key note speakers:
Jim Matthews,
Donna Balter-Maislin,
William Farber,
Frank Gardella,
Vincent Altamuro and Sandra Clarkson,
Ken Collins,
Miguelina Ortiz,
Carole Mulligan,
Paul Cinco and Gene Eyshinskiy,
Eric O’Brien, David Wees, Sonja Barrera among others.
Click here for more information