Northfield English/LA Township Annual Conference has organized a conference Pushing Beyond the Boundaries by Northfield English/LA TownshipMany districts are currently using devices with e-reading capability, and all districts in the Township will be one-to-one in the coming years. Teachers need to prepare for the changing ways our students interact with electronic text. Our Township is interested in exploring the varying viewpoints about comprehension, critical thinking and knowledge building in this digital space. We hope our articulation day helps us to better understand how teaching and learning is changing, and the possibilities of reading, writing and thinking in a collaborative, publishable, digital space..
Title: Pushing Beyond the Boundaries by Northfield English/LA Township
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014
Time: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM (PDT)
Place: Glenbrook South High School,4000 W Lake Ave,Glenview, IL 60026
Register Here:>