Grade 5 Math: Comparing Whole Numbers : Math Made Easy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grade 5 Math: Comparing Whole Numbers : Math Made Easy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grade 5 Math: Comparing Whole Numbers : Math Made Easy - By Lumos Learning

00:04 Hi , I'm Rachel . And today we're going to
00:07 be going over grade five math , comparing whole numbers
00:11 . Whole numbers are numbers from zero and anything above
00:17 zero . We're not going to be looking at negative
00:18 numbers when we're dealing with whole numbers , because that's
00:20 what we call integers . So it's natural numbers .
00:23 1234 on to infinity . And we also include the
00:27 zero . Now , when we're comparing these numbers ,
00:30 we're gonna use a few different symbols we're gonna use
00:33 greater than less than and equal to when you're teaching
00:38 the fifth graders , right . Greater than or less
00:41 than something that I like to remember is the bigger
00:44 number , right ? Gets the bigger area on this
00:49 , you know , sign , whereas the smaller number
00:52 gets the small point . So if you're comparing ,
00:55 let's say five and two five is the bigger number
00:59 five gets the bigger , um area and two is
01:03 a smaller number . Gets that small point right there
01:05 . And if you're gonna write it like this ,
01:07 you have to reverse it , too , is less
01:10 than five and have them practice reading it out loud
01:13 . So they get used to saying five is greater
01:15 than two . Two is less than five , so
01:18 they get used to these symbols . You can also
01:21 have them learn greater than or equal to less than
01:25 or equal to when they add that line below .
01:29 The less than sign right becomes less than or equal
01:32 to , so you can have two is less than
01:35 or equal to five . You can also have five
01:39 is less than or equal to five , right ,
01:42 because it's or equal to . And then , of
01:44 course , with the equal to we know that five
01:46 is equal to five . You can also even have
01:48 them do something like five is not equal to six
01:53 , right ? That doesn't work . So those are
01:55 all symbols that you can have them familiarize themselves with
01:58 . I'm Rachel and thanks for living with us today
00:0-1 .


Subscribe Now:​ Watch More:​ Comparing whole numbers involves working with anything valued at zero and above. Learn about comparing whole numbers in grade five math with help from a professional private tutor in this free video clip. Expert: Rachel Kaplove Filmmaker: Alexis Guerreros Series Description: Most mathematical concepts really aren't that difficult, but you have the have the proper instruction. Get tips on math with help from a professional private tutor in this free video series.


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