Mobile apps are a relatively new phenomenon, but there are already millions of apps and thousands more are developed daily. You may have already built a great educational app, but the challenge is how to market your app to teachers. We provide you with 7 basic techniques to promote your educational app.
1. Ask for Reviews
Ask websites known to provide reviews for the education industry to review your app. You can get started with the following four review sites:
•Fund Educational Apps
•Teachers With Apps
•The iPhone Mom
•LunchBox Reviews
2. Google AdWords
You can use Google Adwords to target your advertising to specific search results. This can increase your click through rate as you can select keywords that are related to your educational app.
3. Blogs
There are many blogs online that focus on the education industry. You can either send these blogs information about your app, or you could submit a guest post. Many sites need content, so they accept members’ posts, but ensure you follow their guidelines and write an interesting blog that is not loaded with information about your app, but rather mentions it in passing.
4. Facebook
Social Media is a powerful tool, so ask one of your teacher friends if they can post an honest and glowing review about your app on their Facebook page and share it among their colleagues. If people are impressed (and your luck holds), you might end up with enough social shares to get your app some traction with other teachers.
5. Specialized Education Magazines
You can buy advertising space in magazines that specifically target the education industry and which have a large subscription base of teachers.
6. Sign up Your App with App Promoters
There are websites that make it their business to market educational apps, so you do not have worry about publicity. You can try one of these sites by visiting
7. Advertise on Websites
There are countless websites that provide help for teachers, and these make a great portal for you to advertise your educational app.