The Smarter Balanced consortium provides an individualized student summary and report for each student who takes the Smarter Balanced exam. The report is online, and password protected so only students, parents and educators working with that child will have access to the report. So, what do these online reports include?
Aggregate Scores
Generated once the Summative Assessment is complete, the online score system begins with an aggregate report. This enables educators with a school district or system to see the most recent student scores in one place. The scores are available by individual student and then can be compared by other grade levels in the schools, district, or state. It is a one-stop shop for understanding how a particular student’s or school’s scores compare to the overall averages.
List of Students
Available for educators working with specific students, this report displays information on student scores as well as claim-level data. With this report, educators can see how their students are performing at a group level.
Individual Student Report
This report is available to educators, parents, and students to see how the individual student has performed on the latest assessment. Including information on overall performance as well as in-depth views of performance on claims, this report, offers an in-depth look at individual student performance.
These reports are crucial in understanding how students are achieving on academic standardized tests. Although the reports can be found online, they can only be accessed by those individuals who have personally identifiable information regarding the student or groups of students. Individuals looking for more information on the assessment reports cannot gain access to this personally identifiable information from the report website. A log-in and password are required to access the reports.