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Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)

This page answers frequently asked questions about The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) by Teachers, Parents and Students

What is PARCC?
Is Lumos tedBook™ completely aligned with the PARCC assessment guidelines?
How can students succeed on the PARCC test using the Lumos Study Program?
When is the PARCC Timeline?
What states are using PARCC Assessments?
What are the new participation options offered by PARCC to the states?
Do you provide computer-based PARCC Practice also?
What are the planned parts of PARCC assessments?

Realistic PARCC Rehearsal with standards-aligned online program

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What is PARCC?

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness and College and Careers (PARCC) is one of two state consortiums responsible for developing assessments aligned to the new, more rigorous College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards and Common Core State Standards (CCSS). There are currently 20 states involved in the PARCC consortium and a combination of educational leaders from those states along with test developers are working together to create the new computer based English Language Arts and Math assessments.
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Is Lumos tedBook™ completely aligned with the PARCC assessment guidelines?

This PARCC tedBook™ is aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards and Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Most states that are in the PARCC consortium will measure student achievement through PARCC assessments in the 2016-2017 academic year.
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How can students succeed on the PARCC test using the Lumos Study Program?

At Lumos Learning, we believe that yearlong learning and adequate practice before the actual test are the keys to student success on the standardized tests. We have designed the Lumos Study Program to help students get plenty of realistic practice before the test and to promote yearlong collaborative learning.

Inside this book, you will find two full-length practice tests that are similar to the PARCC tests students will take to assess their mastery of CCSS aligned curriculum. Completing these tests will help students master the different areas that are included in newly aligned standardized tests and practice test taking skills. The results will help the students and educators get insights into students’ strengths and weaknesses in specific content areas. These insights could be used to help students strengthen their skills in difficult topics and to improve speed and accuracy while taking the test.
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Realistic PARCC Rehearsal with standards-aligned online program

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When is the PARCC Timeline?

The dates for the 2017 PARCC assessment administration vary based on the state and school district. A summary of expected dates are provided in the table below. Please consult your school to get the exact test dates for your student.

State Paper-Based Computer-Based

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What states are using PARCC Assessments?

Currently, the following states are part of the PARCC Consortium.
District of Columbia (DC), New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Illinois (IL), Rhode Island (RI), New Mexico (NM), Massachusetts (MA), Maryland (MD).

What are the new participation options offered by PARCC to the states?

The Partnership states are providing a tiered approach for the 2016-17 school year that will allow any state or other educational entities to have access to the PARCC assessments at varying levels of participation.

More information about this is available at

Do you provide computer-based PARCC Practice also?

Yes, we have online PARCC rehearsal program for schools as well as students.
Please use the buttons below to learn more.
Computer-based PARCC Practice Program for Schools

Online PARCC Practice for Students
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What are the planned parts of PARCC assessments?

PARCC has released a plan for the yearly summative assessments.
Click here to see an Infographic that provides more information about the latest PARCC Test.
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