Special OFFER!
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$33.95$15.95 -
Over 100 skills in each course
Plus 4 learning modules
Over 2000 Common Core aligned questions
Math and English Language Arts
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Back to School Offer for Parents
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- Realistic Assessment Practice
- Get better grades
- Trusted by Thousands of Parents
- Anywhere Access
- 7-Day money back guarantee
What Educators Say
“I am very pleased with Lumos Programs. It is one of the most comprehensive study programs that I have seen. Overall, it’s a great resource.”
Mrs.Biondi, Teacher
Complimentary Access to Master Study Skills Workshop – Value $80!
This workshop is aimed at helping students understand how to take their current study habits and turn them into successful study skills.
In this webinar, students will
- Learn the most effective note taking strategies,
- Discover positive test preparation habits,
- Identify the best methods to boost memory skills
- Enhance active listening.
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FREE Access to Math Video Program – Value $95!
This program is a collection of interactive, math video lessons delivered in the e-learning format. It includes:
- About 736 minutes of video instruction!
- 10 key learning modules (see the table of contents).
- Printable notes.
- Practice questions.
The online course combines personalized e-learning with engaging (and entertaining!) lectures by Mr. Luis Anthony Ast. This helps students master the key concepts in basic mathematics and algebra. Colorful and engaging materials and activities along with video instruction appeal to young learners. Convenient and available year-round, at any time of day
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FREE Access to WRITE BETTER Workshop – Value $95!
This workshop is aimed at helping students improve their Writing Skills. It includes CCSS references, sample answers and answer keys in addition to the workbook content.
- The first objective of this workshop is to give student authors practice in writing techniques that meet the standards for writing and language included in the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
- The second objective is to provide tools in the form of techniques that middle school student authors in grades 6 through 8 can use to improve the content of their narrative, persuasive, expository and descriptive writing.
- The third objective of this program is to create a platform for students to easily publish their writing online and get feedback from peers and educators.
Writing is a skill that requires practice and mentoring. Children can become good writers through guided practice and constructive feedback.
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Complimentary Access to Summer Learning Program!
Schools’s out for summer, but that doesn’t mean your kid’s brain has to totally shut down. Lumos Learning’s Director of Curriculum and educator, Marisa Adams and teachers as will explore fun ways to keep your child’s brain on and always learning!
In each session, we will explore different activities, games, apps, and other ways to stay engaged and beat the summer brain drain!
- Beating the Brain Drain through Literacy
- Beating the Brain Drain through Computing
- Warm-Up to a Great School Year
Why StepUp® works?
The Lumos Learning program was developed by expert teachers to help students succeed in classrooms and on the Standardized Tests. It includes hundreds of practice questions, practice tests, video instruction and expert advice.
We offer content that adhere to the new Common Core State Standards as well as some state curriculum standards. Since most school districts are working through their transition plan from their current curriculum to the CCSS, our flexible solution can be easily incorporated into your transition strategy.
The online course provides immediate feedback. This helps students immediately recognize mistakes, while the material is still fresh in their minds. Colorful and engaging materials and activities appeal to young learners.
The learning and teaching preferences vary significantly from one student to another and one school to another. We have built a learning platform that gives you the flexibility to leverage 21st Century tools and delivery individualized instruction that fits your organizational needs.
Each student’s work is carefully tracked throughout the entire program. Easy-to-use reports help educators identify weak areas and tailor personalized learning plans for each child. Teachers can work with students and parents to create a plan that best fits each student’s needs. Teachers can also create custom assessments quickly using the Test Designer tool and our content framework.
Students practice when it is convenient for them. All they need is a computer with internet access. Students can use the program for a full year, including the summer.
Lumos Learning allows students to prepare at a pace that is right for the individual student. This self-paced approach, combined with instant feedback creates success and leads to greater confidence.
We have competitive and flexible pricing. Organizations can purchase packages based on the needs of their student community.
Ideal for Practice and Skill improvement
Realistic Assessment Practice
Access Common Core Aligned Question Bank
Used by Thousands of Students
Complimentary Access to Special Enrichment Programs
Lumos StepUp® Programs are developed by expert teachers and are designed to be kid-friendly. All you need to access this program is a computer or a smart phone or an ipad with internet access. Give your child a study program that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Each Grade’s courses have been sequenced to cover all the key concepts and skills involved in the curriculum. If you’re not satisfied with the child’s progress with the program, simply cancel the subscription within the first 7 days for a full refund.
With eLearning students have more control over their learning process and can better understand the material, leading to a 60% faster learning curve, compared to instructor-led training.
– Facts, Figures and Forces Behind e-Learning
According to a study from the Department of Education,
“Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.”
Students who mix online learning with traditional coursework (i.e. blended learning) do even better.
– Internet Time Group Report
Britain’s Open University’s study found that producing and providing eLearning courses consumes an average of 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional face-to-face courses.
– Knowledge Direct Web
What Our Customers Say
“Lumos Learning Programs helped me improve my LAL score by 25 points”
– B.Dhaduk, 7th Grade Student
“It has lot of great questions that my students were able to practice with. They are at the right level of rigor for pushing my students to think critically about texts.”
– Garrett Dorfman, Grade 3 Literacy Teacher at KIPP NEW ORLEANS SCHOOLS (LA)
“My daughter’s grade increased from basic to proficient after using Lumos Program. Thank you very much for putting up a great resource.”
– Christine, Parent, Grandview Elementary
School Customers
- Asbury Park schools
- Avon Avenue Public School
- Barley Sheaf School
- Cincinnati Public Schools
- Bedminster Township Public School
- Belmont Runyon School
- Blairstown Elementary School
- CADDO Parish SD – Northside ES
And many more
Lumos StepUp® Program
Is a subscription based product. Every month after you are done with your practice you’ll continue with an extended subscription for next 30 days by default. You can cancel this at anytime during the month.
For subsequent subscriptions after the first, we’ll bill you in monthly payments of $15.95 for both Math and Language arts. Remember, there’s never an immediate obligation to buy any course because of the first purchase. You may cancel future subscriptions at any time by calling our support