Master Study Skills: Interactive Workshops
Unfortunately for most students, study skills do not come naturally. Like any other skill or habit, effective study skills must be learned and practiced so they strengthen over time.
Join Lumos Learning’s Curriculum Director, Marisa Adams, and Jennifer Torres, as they work to help students understand how to take their current study habits and turn them into successful study skills.
Jennifer Torres
In this webinar, students will learn the most effective note taking strategies, discover positive test preparation habits, and identify the best methods to boost memory skills and enhance active listening.
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Session Details
Understanding Note Taking
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 6:30 PM EST
Most students understand the importance of note taking; they use the skill on a regular basis and their teachers constantly encourage it. But note-taking can often be confusing. Between the different styles of note taking and knowing which type to use in different situations, note-taking can often become so overwhelming that many students simply give up. In this interactive webinar, facilitators will explore:
Most students understand the importance of note taking; they use the skill on a regular basis and their teachers constantly encourage it. But note-taking can often be confusing. Between the different styles of note taking and knowing which type to use in different situations, note-taking can often become so overwhelming that many students simply give up. In this interactive webinar, facilitators will explore:
- Types of note taking,
- Ways to use note taking; and
- Learning to pick the best method
Effective Test Preparation
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM EST
“Study for test this Friday!” It’s one of the most common assignments for students in classrooms across America but it doesn’t end there. With an increased emphasis on standardized testing, whether it is PARCC or Smarter Balanced, also comes an increase in regular school testing. So, what does it really mean? How do you effectively and efficiently study for your next test? And how do you begin to manage doing it all when you are worried about the test in the first place? In this interactive webinar, facilitators will explore:
- Best practices to avoid test anxiety,
- Effective test preparation techniques; and,
- Successful study habits
Improving Study Skills through Listening and Memory Boosting
Tuesday, February 04, 2014 at 6:30 PM EST
One of the most important ways to effectively study is to learn the art of active listening and work to boost your memory power. In this interactive webinar, facilitators will explore:
- What active listening is and how is it practiced, and
- Memory boosting games and techniques
7 Habits of Highly Successful Students
Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM EST
Great students can often spend quite a bit of time on the wrong things during their academic careers, leaving them frustrated with learning and fully exhausted. Explore the seven most common habits of highly successful students to gain insight into ways to efficiently boost your own success in school, learning endeavors, and beyond.
- If your child has schedule conflict with one or more sessions, he/she can watch the recorded sessions later.
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