ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence – 2016

The ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence, systematized by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. The conference focuses how to invest in the power of great instruction and also learn how to leverage it in classrooms and school districts. Registration … Continue reading

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The NCTM conference engages with fellow researchers and builds necessary relationships within the mathematics education research community. This conference provides an opportunity to network with fellow researchers at relevant sessions. Registration For more details on registration, use the link below … Continue reading

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A Comparison of Educational App Stores

There are several websites available to showcase an educational app. The following table compares some of the popular app discovery channels available for educational app developers. We used information found of these websites to create this benchmark report. Report Date: … Continue reading

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How to be the most impressive teacher on the first day of school

I have seen how great teachers use the momentum of the first day of school to run a fun and structured class for the remainder of the year. The first day of school has the weight of an elephant, and you want to make sure you can harness all of this mass to facilitate learning until the last day of school. Continue reading

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Pre-Conference, Full-Day Workshop

The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), founded in 1921, is a professional organization serving elementary and middle school principals and other education leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas. NAESP supports elementary and middle-level principals as the … Continue reading

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Meeting Your Rigorous State Standards for OPINION/ARGUMENT WRITING

Specifically Designed for Teachers Serving Grades 3-5. Displays, student samples, and a comprehensive resource handbook packed with ready-to-use writing strategies, mini-lessons, and ideas designed just for grades 3-5 teachers working to meet state standards for writing Title: Meeting Your Rigorous … Continue reading

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PARCC Field Test: Recap of “Lessons Learned”

parcc field test

Summer is winding down, and at this point you may have mixed feelings about the approaching start of a new school year. On one hand, you may be ready to welcome a bit more structure into your child’s days, but on the other, you may dread the flurry of activity that September brings – from homework, to back-to-school shopping, to after-school sports and hobbies. To make the transition from the lazy days of summer to the structured school schedule a bit more manageable, check out these five tips
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