The purpose of the PARCC English Language Arts assessments is to assess student knowledge of both reading a writing simultaneously. PARCC recognizes that students do not learn these skills in a vacuum; reading and writing go hand in hand and should be assessed that way as well.
Each test will consist of a combination of three new types of questions:
EBSR (Evidence Based Selected Response) – students will need to use evidence to prove their answer, choices will often be given.
TECR (Technology Enhanced Constructed Response) – students will use technology to show comprehension. For example, they may be asked to drag and drop, cut and paste, or highlight their responses.
PCRs (Prose Constructed Response(s)) – students will be required to construct written responses to a test prompt using specific evidence and details from the passages they have read.
The Performance Based Assessment (PBA) will be administered once 75% of the school year is complete. It will consist of a literary task, a research simulation task, and a narrative writing task. In the PBA, students will be given a set amount of time to read several texts, many of which will be paired together, answer several vocabulary and reading comprehension questions, and write a short essay.
The End of Year Assessment (EOY) will be administered once 90% of the school year is complete. It will consist of a combination of literary and informational texts. In the EOY, students will also be given a set amount of time to read several texts, many of which will be paired together, and answer vocabulary and reading comprehension questions; writing will not be a part of the EOY.
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