What are the Latest Changes to PARCC Assessments?

As educators, one of our most important responsibilities is constant assessment of student learning; this includes assessing our own evaluation instruments. We cannot ever assume our assessments perfectly measure every student learning objective, nor can we assume they are always … Continue reading

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What Will PARCC English Language Arts Assessments Look Like?

The purpose of the PARCC English Language Arts assessments is to assess student knowledge of both reading a writing simultaneously. PARCC recognizes that students do not learn these skills in a vacuum; reading and writing go hand in hand and … Continue reading

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Lumos StepUp Mobile App for iOS is now available!

ISCATAWAY, NJ, November 12, 2013 – Lumos Learning has launched the Lumos StepUp™ Mobile App for iOS. It is available on iPod, iPhone & iPad. The iOS version of the app follows the successful reception of the Lumos StepUp Android app. Lumos StepUp™ is an educational app that helps students learn and master grade-level skills in both Math and English Language Arts. Continue reading

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Using Student Performance Data to Create Personalized Learning: Putting Theory into Practice – Julie C. Lyons

Teachers today are being asked to focus on data-driven instruction and using analytics to inform their teaching and planning. But what, exactly, do these terms mean, and how can classroom teachers effectively use data to impact student learning?

Simply put, data-driven instruction is “instruction that is guided by, and responsive to, information (data) we have about our students… usually obtained through tests…and teacher observations” (excerpt from Dr. Joseph K. Torgesen’s power point from the 2006 Principal’s Leadership Conference

Student Performance Data Graph Continue reading

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