How to Smoothly Transition Your Students Out from Summer Vacation

Students are excited about returning to school after a long and sometimes uneventful summer. Though they walk about the campus with energy in their step from day one, this energy is more likely to be released on non-academic matters. Talking, … Continue reading

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National Summer Learning Day

The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) is the nonprofit association that focus on closing the achievement gap through high-quality summer learning for all children and youth. Summer Learning Day is led by the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) to elevate … Continue reading

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Parents, Are You Ready for September? Back-To-School Ideas to Prepare Your Family For the New School Year 2016-17 – by Julie C. Lyons

Summer is almost over

This past spring, more than one million students took part in the PARCC field test with the purpose of helping to “ensure the assessments are valid, reliable, and fair.” Now, with the testing completed, PARCC has had the opportunity to review the feedback from teachers, students and technology coordinators via surveys, Twitter comments, and phone calls. To keep educators and other stakeholders abreast of this feedback, PARCC has been releasing its findings throughout the summer, and these articles will eventually become part of a larger “Lessons Learned” Report that will be available to the public.
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