15th Annual School Counseling Conference

Conference will focus on five themes: Mental health in schools LCAP/LCFF Career & college readiness + common core Alternative means of correction Data, Accountability and Technology. Rates Conference Date:October 9 & 10, 2015 Conference Place:Riverside Convention Center 3637 Fifth Street … Continue reading

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PARCC Implementation: Discussion and Implications for Math – Julie Lyons

With the implementation of the Common Core, teachers and administrators alike have made changes in their curriculum and instructional practices. To ease the transition between the old and new, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) has devised suggestions and a structure that will not only support the Common Core but also prepare students adequately for state assessments.

In the area of mathematics, there are many important distinctions between the previous NJ State Standards and the Common Core. For curriculum supervisors, administrators, and teachers to make well-informed decisions, it is important to take the following information into account. The items below reflect some of the major emphases of the model content framework, along with important differences between the Common Core and the former state standards:

Focus and Coherence:

The Common Core calls for students to not simply “cover” a topic, but to investigate, understand, and apply that content with deep, enduring understanding… Continue reading

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PARCC Implementation: Discussion and Implications for ELA

Data-driven instruction, The Common Core, College and Career Readiness. These are terms that have become a mainstay of the educational landscape in 2013, affecting anyone involved in education – from students to teachers, administrators, parents, and legislators

One aspect of the adoption of the Common Core is related to assessment. How do we know if students are meeting the required standards? That’s where PARCC comes in. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is committed to ensuring that today’s students have viable college and career options upon graduation, and the PARCC Assessment will be one measure to determine students’ growth and achievement with respect to these goals.

As the 2013-2014 school year commences, we are entering the field-testing phase of PARCC assessments. As an administrator or teacher, what will that mean for you?… Continue reading

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