A Review of Sample Questions Released by PARCC: Implications for English Language Arts/Literacy

The upcoming PARCC assessment for ELA will continue to ask students to read passages, answer follow-up questions, and complete writing tasks. However, with this new generation of standardized tests, the format and complexity of those questions will be taken to a new level.
PARCC sample question review
This week we will look at one portion of the ELA assessment – the section that focuses on narrative writing (following the reading of a fictional passage) for Grade 6. While this set of samples is grade-specific, the rationale in creating the questions, the format, and the prerequisite technological skills is universal, regardless of the grade. Three key shifts in the PARCC for ELA are as follows… Continue reading

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PARCC Assessment: What Resources Exist?

In past blog posts, we detailed the implications of the PARCC Assessment on professional development, classroom practice, and instructional strategies. At this point, it is helpful to consider the numerous resources that exist for educators:

• Task Prototypes and Sample Items

First, this page details the purpose of the PARCC and explains the various components of the assessment by grade levels (K-2, 3-8, and High School)… Continue reading

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Seven Ways Parents Can Promote Learning –

Seven Ways Parents Can Promote Learning - Infographic
As a parent, you serve multiple roles – chauffer, housekeeper, breadwinner, counselor, role model. When it comes to your child’s education, you may wonder what you can do to promote learning…especially if you don’t feel confident in all subject areas. However, you don’t need a degree in education to enhance your child’s educational experience. With these simple ideas, you can make a positive contribution by creating a supportive structure and environment for him/her to allow for optimum learning:

1. Build your child’s frustration tolerance level:

Children who persevere learn how to be resilient in the classroom: a “can-do” attitude goes a long way when being asked to solve a challenging math problem, complete a complicated science lab, or write a term paper… Continue reading

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