AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC Preparing for the Common Core

Lumos Learning will be at the AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC. This conference is being held at the National Conference Center, NJ on Thursday, October 24th and conclud on Friday, October 25th. This Conference … Continue reading

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How to Help Your Child Succeed on the Standardized Tests

Success on the NJ ASKIt’s that time of the year again. Teachers are gearing up for testing, and students begin hearing the phrase “NJ ASK” on an almost daily basis as March and April roll around. As a parent, how can you help support the preparation your child receives in the classroom? Below are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Structure your routines at home to support test success.

    First, find out the test dates. Then, make every effort to structure your child’s environment in the upcoming weeks to support adequate sleep, a healthful diet, and stress reduction. When children are younger, you can make sure that your child goes to bed at a decent time. As children get older and become more independent, introduce quiet activities later in the evening, and encourage homework completion either after school or immediately following dinner. Strive to prepare nutritious meals and snacks (especially breakfast), as this can play an integral part in giving your child the mental acuity and energy he or she needs…

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