Google Classroom, Part II: Collaboration Tools

Google Class room

•Google Docs. More flexible than traditional word processing programs, Google Docs allows users to create documents that are available for multiple users to work on at the same time – an invaluable resource for group projects. (Note: it is possible to convert a Google Doc to Microsoft Word, and vice-versa.)
Moreover, Google Docs’ auto-save feature eliminates the frustrating experience of losing your writing, research, and other work. Personally, I have found this feature alone to be a timesaver – and lifesaver! – for well-meaning students who “think” they saved the document . . . but never did.
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Making the Shift: Common Core Teacher Resources

Common Core Teacher's resource

New teacher evaluations. New state tests. New standards. The myriad educational changes may seem overwhelming at times, especially for teachers who are trying to juggle the typical demands of a classroom, all the while adjusting their instruction and practice to reflect the continual educational shifts. And although the extra time and effort needed to make these changes are unavoidable to a certain extent, there are resources available to help make the transition smoother. Consider using the following teacher resources, materials, and samples to help out with your lesson planning, instruction, and materials:
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Helping Your Child Succeed in a Climate of Educational Change


With the introduction of the Common Core Standards, school districts across the country have had to adjust their curriculum, testing procedures, and teaching methodologies. With change comes uncertainty, and the stress of the unknown carries with it the potential to affect all involved parties… including students.

As a parent, you may sense the differences – especially if you have more than one child who has gone through the same school. You may have noticed that even with the same teacher, requirements and expectations may have shifted over the past few years in response to the Common Core. Though these changes, left unchecked, can create stress for teachers and students alike, there are ways that you, as a parent, can help your child navigate any potential challenges as she or he faces more rigorous assignments, expectations, and criteria… Continue reading

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A Review of Sample Questions Released by PARCC: Implications for Mathematics

Though the questions themselves may look similar to the questions teachers and students are familiar with on the current NJ ASK, the new PARCC assessment will introduce some novel formatting and response techniques that will increase the rigor of standardized testing.
PARCC Math sample question review
This week we will investigate sample questions for Mathematics to highlight the major differences between the NJ ASK and PARCC. Please note that while the questions below are based on sample questions for Grade 3, this discussion applies to all grade levels, as the test format, computer skills that students will need, and the philosophy in creating the questions are similar — regardless of grade level, mathematical content, or task complexity… Continue reading

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AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC Preparing for the Common Core

Lumos Learning will be at the AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC. This conference is being held at the National Conference Center, NJ on Thursday, October 24th and conclud on Friday, October 25th. This Conference … Continue reading

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The Effectiveness of eLearning

Students in America today are so familiar with technology they do not even truly think about using it. Technology is embedded for into their daily lives. In most instances, they would struggle more without technology than adults do with it. Yet, when they come into the school building, they are expected to put their technology to the side, open their textbook or workbook and begin learning. Then, we as educators and parents struggle to understand why they are not always doing well…
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