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Lumos Quill FAQs

Account Info

How can I create a teacher account?

How can I create a student account?

Is it mandatory to give my email id?

How can I change my password or my profile information?

How can I reset my password?

How can I contact Lumos Support?

About Test Designer tool

How can I access the course I bought?

Can I create my own assessment?

Where can I create my course?

Where is the Test Designer tool? How can I access it?

What are the software requirements to use the Test Designer tool?

What is the role of “under construction titles” tab in test designer?

What is the role of “Active Titles” tab in the Test Designer?

What does the “Subscribed Content” tab show in the Test Designer?

How can I use the subscribed content?

About Courses

How can I create my course?

Who can see the courses created by me?

When can students see the course?

How does a student access my course?

How can I add/change the information about my course?

Can I provide additional information such as summaries or links to online content to the description of the course? How?

How can I create my course quickly?

How can I add lessons to my course?

How can I provide instructions for my assessment?

How can I delete a lesson?

How can I copy a lesson from another course?

About Questions and Answers

What kind of questions are supported?

How can I add a question?

How can I add images or videos to my question?

How can I copy questions from one lesson to another?

How can I reset the position of a question?

How can I move a question from one lesson to another?

How can I give different weights for different questions?

How can I add or delete answer choices?

How do I mark the correct answer?

How can I provide detailed answers?


How can I save the changes I make?

How can I generate a PDF document of my course?

How can I view the PDF document I created for my course?

Can I save the PDF document to my computer?

How can I see the tests created by me as a student sees them?

Can a student revise his/her answers? How?

When do the students know the result of the assessment?

How can I review my students’ works?

Can teachers share their assessments?

Can students see each others’ works?

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